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A bit of German culture...

This new post is dedicated to my lovely Berlin and I' going to explain why...

I've to admit that I didn't know who was the band since before my collegue told me that their concert is been amazing...and only passed few days...

You know, you can listen a track for years and only after, discover the band story or the title of song (I mean that's is possible for someone like me...with the head in the clouds).

The lyrics celebrate the political changes in Eastern Europe at that time – such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the increasing freedom in the communist block (which would soon lead to the fall of the USSR), and the clearly imminent end of the Cold War.

It is the highest ever selling song in Germany and it is widely known in Germany as the song of German reunification, even though it only rose to popularity two years late.

"Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night, where the children of tomorrow dream away in the wind of change..."

The song is a cry of hope too...a wish for a better history chapter in which people go back having a good time and a peace of mind.

Ok it's a war song but in my opinion if we focus the attention on the chorus it can be reintroduced as a today's song because all of us need to dream, need to hope in something better or in other word a wind of change.

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